DNF | for rpm packages of Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS distributions |
dnf list --installed [<application ...>] | lists installed packages |
dnf list --available [<application ...>] | lists available packages |
dnf list [<application ...>] | lists all packages (installed and available) |
dnf group list [<package_group>] | lists all groups of packages (installed and available) |
dnf list --upgrades [<application ...>] | lists available updates of installed packages, --security security updates only |
dnf list --extras [<application ...>] | lists installed packages that are not available in any configured repository |
dnf list --recent [<application ...>] | lists packages recently added into the repositories |
dnf list --showduplicates [<application ...>] | lists available versions of packages |
dnf repoquery --deplist <application ...> | lists the dependencies (files including required packages) that are needed for the specified package |
dnf repoquery -l <application ...> | prints the files contained in the installed or available package |
dnf search <keyword> | lists packages (installed or available) whose metadata contains the keyword |
dnf provides <file> | prints the package (installed or available) to which the file belongs |
dnf info <application ...> | prints detailed information about the package |
dnf group info <package_group ...> | prints information about the group of packages including dependencies |
dnf install --downloadonly --downloaddir=<directory> <application> dnf download <application> | downloads the package from the repository |
dnf download --resolve <application> | downloads the package from the repository including dependencies |
dnf install <application ...> | installs the package including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf install <package ...> | installs the package from the specified directory or URL, potential dependencies are resolved by repositories, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf group install <package_group ...> | installs the group of packages including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation# dnf group install GNOME |
dnf reinstall <application ...> | reinstalls the package with the same version, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf upgrade | updates all installed packages, --security security updates only, --exclude=<application> excludes the package from the update process (permanent settings are configured in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf using the "exclude=<application>" option), -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf upgrade <application ...> | updates the package, -y automatically confirms the operation, --nogpgcheck skips checking GPG signatures on packages |
dnf upgrade <package ...> | updates the package from the specified directory, possible dependencies are resolved by repositories, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf group upgrade <package_group ...> | updates the group of packages including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf downgrade <application ...> | downgrades the current version of the installed package to the previous version, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf remove | erase <application ...> | uninstalls the package including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf group remove <package_group ...> | uninstalls the group of packages including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
dnf check | checks the local RPM database and prints information on any problems it finds, --dependencies problems with dependencies between packages only, --duplicates problems with duplicate packages only, --obsoleted problems with obsolete packages only, --provides problems with the files or properties that a package contains only |
dnf history | displays the transaction history (data from /var/log/dnf.rpm.log) |
dnf history info <ID> | displays detailed information about the specified transaction |
dnf history undo <ID> | reverts all changes within the specified transaction (installs or uninstalls software) |
dnf versionlock add <application ...> | locks the current versions of the packages |
dnf versionlock delete <application ...> | removes the package version locks |
dnf versionlock clear | removes all package version locks |
dnf versionlock list | lists all locked package versions |
dnf clean all | removes all cached data and temporary files associated with the package management transactions (/var/cache/dnf) |
dnf repolist | lists enabled repositories (their ID and name), --enabled enabled repositories (by default), --disabled disabled repositories, --all all repositories, -v detailed output |
dnf --enablerepo=<repo_id> | enables the repository (permanent settings are configured in /etc/yum.repos.d/<repository>)# dnf install mplayer* --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free-updates |
dnf --disablerepo=<repo_id> | disables the repository (permanent settings are configured in /etc/yum.repos.d/<repository>) |
YUM | for rpm packages of Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS distributions |
yum list installed [<application ...>] | lists installed packages |
yum list available [<application ...>] | lists available packages |
yum list [<application ...>] | lists all packages (installed and available) |
yum grouplist [<package_group>] | lists all groups of packages (installed and available) |
yum list updates [<application ...>] | lists available updates of installed packages, --security security updates only |
yum list extras [<application ...>] | lists installed packages that are not available in any configured repository |
yum list recent [<application ...>] | lists packages recently added into the repositories |
yum list --showduplicates [<application ...>] | lists available versions of the packages |
yum deplist <application ...> | lists the dependencies (files including required packages) that are needed for the specified package |
yum search <keyword> | lists packages (installed or available) whose metadata contains the keyword |
yum [what]provides <file> | prints the package (installed or available) to which the file belongs |
yum info <application ...> | prints detailed information about the package |
yum groupinfo <package_group ...> | prints information about the group of packages including dependencies |
yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=<directory> <application> yumdownloader <application> | downloads the package from the repository |
yumdownloader --resolve <application> | downloads the package from the repository including dependencies |
yum install <application ...> | installs the package including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum [local]install <package ...> | installs the package from the specified directory or URL, potential dependencies are resolved by repositories, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum groupinstall <package_group ...> | installs the group of packages including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation# yum groupinstall GNOME |
yum reinstall <application ...> | reinstalls the package with the same version, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum update | updates all installed packages, --security security updates only, --exclude=<application> excludes the package from the update process (permanent settings are configured in /etc/yum.conf using the "exclude=<application>" option), -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum update <application ...> | updates the package, -y automatically confirms the operation, --nogpgcheck skips checking GPG signatures on packages |
yum [local]update <package ...> | updates the package from the specified directory, possible dependencies are resolved by repositories, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum groupupdate <package_group ...> | updates the group of packages including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum downgrade <application ...> | downgrades the current version of the installed package to the previous version, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum remove | erase <application ...> | uninstalls the package including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum groupremove <package_group ...> | uninstalls the group of packages including dependencies, -y automatically confirms the operation |
yum check | checks the local RPM database and prints information on any problems it finds, dependencies problems with dependencies between packages only, duplicates problems with duplicate packages only, obsoleted problems with obsolete packages only, provides problems with the files or properties that a package contains only |
yum-complete-transaction | completes failed or aborted transactions |
yum history | displays the transaction history (data from /var/log/yum.log) |
yum history info <ID> | displays detailed information about the specified transaction |
yum history undo <ID> | reverts all changes within the specified transaction (installs or uninstalls software) |
yum versionlock add <application ...> | locks the current versions of the packages |
yum versionlock delete <application ...> | removes the package version locks |
yum versionlock clear | removes all package version locks |
yum versionlock list | lists all locked package versions |
yum clean all | removes all cached data and temporary files associated with the package management transactions (/var/cache/yum/repository/packages) |
yum repolist | lists enabled repositories (their ID and name), enabled enabled repositories (by default), disabled disabled repositories, all all repositories, -v detailed output |
yum-config-manager --add-repo <repo> | adds and enables the repository# yum-config-manager --add-repo "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/" |
yum-config-manager --enable <repo> | enables the repository |
yum-config-manager --disable <repo> | disables the repository |
yum --enablerepo=<repo> | enables the repository (permanent settings are configured in /etc/yum.repos.d/<repository>)# yum install mplayer* --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free-updates |
yum --disablerepo=<repo> | disables the repository (permanent settings are configured in /etc/yum.repos.d/<repository>) |
RPM | for rpm packages of Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS and SUSE distributions |
rpm -qa | lists installed packages |
rpm -q <application ...> | prints the name and version of the installed package |
rpm -qi <application ...> | prints detailed information about the installed package |
rpm -qip <package ...> | prints detailed information about the uninstalled package |
rpm -ql <application ...> | prints the files contained in the installed package |
rpm -qlp <package ...> | prints the files contained in the uninstalled package |
rpm -qc <application ...> | prints configuration files contained in the installed package |
rpm -qcp <package ...> | prints configuration files contained in the uninstalled package |
rpm -qf <file ...> | prints the installed package to which the file belongs |
rpm -qR <application ... | package ...> | lists the dependencies for the specified application or package |
rpm -qp --scripts <package ...> | prints scripts contained in the uninstalled package (useful before installing a package that does not come from a trusted repository) |
rpm -ivh <package ...> | installs the package from the specified directory or URL |
rpm -ivh --test <package ...> | checks and reports potential dependencies and conflicts among the packages (useful before installing the package itself) |
rpm -ivh --nodeps <package ...> | installs the package without resolving dependencies |
rpm -Uvh <package ...> | installs the package or updates an already installed version |
rpm -Uvh --replacepkgs <package ...> | reinstalls the package |
rpm -Fvh <package ...> | updates the installed package |
rpm -e <application ...> | uninstalls the package, --justdb removes only the package record in the RPM database# rpm -e --justdb nomachine |
rpm -ivh <repository ...> | installs the repository# rpm -ivh rpm.livna.org/release7.rpm |
rpm --import <public_key> | imports the public GPG key of the specified repository to ensure that the package really comes from the original repository# rpm --import rpm.livna.org/RPM-LIVNA-GPG-KEY |
rpm -qa gpg-pubkey | prints imported public GPG keys |
rpm --checksig | -K <package ...> | verifies the package signature to ensure its integrity and origin (this happens automatically during the package installation if the required public GPG key has been imported before) |
rpm -V <application ...> | verifies information about the installed package files with information in the RPM database |
rpm -Vf <file ...> | verifies information about the installed package file with information in the RPM database# rpm -Vf /bin/ls |
rpm -Va | verifies information about the files of all installed packages with information in the RPM database |
rpm --restore <application ...> | restores the owner, group and permissions of the installed package files |
UP2DATE | for rpm packages of older Red Hat distributions |
up2date --show-available | lists available packages |
up2date --showall | lists all packages (installed and available) |
up2date --show-orphans | lists installed packages that are not available in any configured repository |
up2date -l | lists available updates of installed packages |
up2date -d | downloads packages to be installed or updated |
up2date -i | installs downloaded packages |
up2date -u | updates downloaded packages |
up2date <application ...> | updates the specified package |
up2date --whatprovides <file | application> | prints the package to which the file or application belongs |
up2date --configure | sets the program options; the configuration file is /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date, the packages are stored in /var/spool/up2date by default |
APT | for deb packages of Debian and Ubuntu distributions |
dpkg -l | lists installed packages |
apt-cache pkgnames | lists all packages (installed and available) |
apt-cache depends <application> | lists the dependencies (required packages) that are needed for the specified package |
apt-cache whatdepends <application> | lists packages that depend on the specified package |
apt-cache show <application> | prints detailed information about the package |
apt-cache search <keyword> | lists packages (installed or available) whose metadata contains the keyword |
apt-cache policy | lists all installed repositories |
apt-file list <application> | prints the files that the package (installed or available) contains |
apt-file search <file> | prints the package (installed or available) to which the file belongs |
apt-file update | updates the database with information about the packages and their files |
apt-get install <application ...> | installs the package including dependencies, -d only downloads the package |
apt-get update | updates the local list of packages (required before each package update) |
apt-get -u upgrade | updates all installed packages without resolving new dependencies, -u prints updated packages |
apt-get -u dist-upgrade | updates all installed packages including resolving new dependencies (the entire distribution can be updated as well), -u prints updated packages |
apt-get install --only-upgrade <application ...> | updates only the specified package |
apt-get remove <application ...> | uninstalls the package (configuration files remain) |
apt-get --purge remove <application ...> | uninstalls the package including configuration files |
apt-get check | checks the consistency of the local package database and verifies whether all dependencies for installed packages are met |
apt-get clean | removes cached package files associated with the package management transactions (/var/cache/apt/archives) |
apt-show-versions | prints the versions of all installed packages and possibly their available updates, -p <application> applies for the specified package only, -u prints only packages with available updates, -a prints all available versions of the package |
ZYPPER | for rpm packages of SUSE distribution |
zypper packages --installed-only | lists installed packages |
zypper packages --not-installed-only | lists available packages |
zypper packages | lists all packages (installed and available) |
zypper list-updates | lists available updates of installed packages |
zypper search <keyword> | lists packages (installed or available) whose metadata contains the keyword |
zypper what-provides <file> | prints the package (installed or available) to which the file belongs |
zypper info <application> | prints detailed information about the package |
zypper install --download-only <application ...> | downloads the package from the repository |
zypper install <application ...> | installs the package including dependencies |
zypper install -f <application ...> | reinstalls the package with the same version |
zypper update | updates all installed packages; zypper al <application> excludes the package from the update or installation process, zypper rl <application> cancels the previous exclusion of the package from the update or installation process, zypper ll prints packages that are excluded from the update or installation process |
zypper update <application ...> | updates the package |
zypper remove <application ...> | uninstalls the package including dependencies |
zypper clean --all | removes all cached data and temporary files associated with the package management transactions (/var/cache/zypp/packages) |
cat /var/log/zypp/history | displays the transaction history |
zypper repos | lists all repositories (their ID, name and status) |
zypper addrepo <directory> <repo_name> | creates a local repository from the specified directory containing rpm packages |
SRC | for compiling packages from the source code |
./configure | executes the source package configuration script (from the package directory containing the script) which checks the system, loads the variables and creates associated files needed for the package compilation, --prefix=<directory> specifies the directory for the installation (/usr/local by default) |
make | creates a binary executable program from the source code (compilation) based on data from the associated files created during the package configuration |
make install | installs the program |
checkinstall | creates a package from the binary program, which is added to the database of installed packages after the installation, -R rpm package, -D deb package; if no option is specified, it starts in interactive mode |
make clean | removes unnecessary, mostly compiled files, created during the compilation |
make distclean | removes all files created during the package configuration and compilation |
make uninstall | uninstalls the program (if the "Makefile" file exists, otherwise the program files have to be removed manually) |